Saturday, July 9, 2011

Problem Solving Methods

I reviewed this article on that deals with problem solving methods.  According to the article problem solving is the ability to identify and solve problems by applying appropriate skills systematically.  It is a process where we take what we know to discover what we do not know.  There are three basic principles that are associated with problem solving.  They are seeking information, generating new knowledge, and making decisions.  Problem solving skills are essential to the growth development of students as they progress through school and even into the workforce.  Students should have the ability to take a situation given and find a solution from beginning to end. (retrieved from The article list five techniques that are helpful to problem solving.  They are list all related relevant facts, make a list of all the given information, restate the problem in their own words, list the conditions that surround a problem, and describe related known problems.  It is said many different ways but trial and error is an excellent tool in problem solving.  The article says try out a solution.  Trial and error allows you to try many different ways of getting to your solution. Algebra is a  good example.  There are sometimes a couple of ways you can work the problem to end up at the right answer.  Perhaps you may try one way but it doesn't work for you. The end result after trial and error is you have the correct answer.

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